Peter – We are Northeastern



How do you define the word “opportunity?”

Coming to NEIU you have so many opportunities no matter where you come from and what nationality you are. While being at NEIU I have had so many opportunities to attend different conferences to explore different fields and majors.

What class, project or program has had the most impact on you?

Being a Social Work major has had an impact on my life. This is because growing up I always wanted to save peoples’ lives like a superhero in the comics that I would read growing up. While taking some Justice Studies courses I didn’t really feel connected, so I decided to try Social Work. This really spoke to me but didn’t change my dream of saving people.

Pick one thing you’d like to change and talk about how you would change it.

I would like to say the world but that would be unlikely because there will always be more problems that you can not change. I would like to change society because of all the unfair things that people have to go through. A lot of the time people want to think that everything is safe and people go through nothing hard, and you see that sometimes it becomes a contest to see who has suffered more and that isn’t right.

Do you think there are things about you that people misunderstand? What would you like them to realize?

People think that I am hard to work with because I don’t care, but I like to believe that when it comes down to work, it’s work, and when it is time for play, it’s time for play, but a lot of the times it isn’t the case.

What is your favorite place in Chicago?

This is a hard question because depending on my mood or what I want to do I can travel all over Chicago and sometimes it’s just nice to be home and relax.